Application Deadline October 1, 2018
OCTRI is accepting proposals for compelling opportunities with the potential for high impact. Applicants may request funding for up to $20,000 per project for Clinical and Translational Research Center (CTRC) services. Specifically, nursing services, study coordinator services, bionutrition services, or lab services.

This funding is intended to support early career faculty members from OHSU as well as OCTRI Partners (i.e. University of Oregon, Portland State University, Oregon State University, Pacific Northwest National Labs, The VA Portland Healthcare System) for studies associated with current mentored career development awards. Funding requests for the PCI Award must involve partnering with peer-reviewed, externally-funded research by the NIH (e.g. K award), VA (e.g. CDA), or major national foundations. Applicants should include the name and NIH biosketch of their primary mentor identified in their current mentored career development award. Applicants should also include documentation from the primary mentor confirming their ultimate responsibility for providing research support and supervision for the success of this project.

A key requirement for this award mechanism is that awardees will receive close project management. Projects will be milestone driven and upon successful completion of milestones and delivery of a progress report, projects may be eligible for an additional $20,000 for a second year of award (pending availability of funds; to be evaluated in FY20).

This funding opportunity must be used for CTRC services. Studies may take place entirely on the CTRC, or in other locations while utilizing CTRC services. Studies must have already received IRB approval, or be in process of approval at the time of application. No funds can be awarded until IRB approval is granted.

Funds must be completely spent for CTRC services by June 30, 2019 aligning with OCTRI’s grant project period. Funding and RFA release for future awards is depend on the availability of funds and will be evaluated each year.

Please complete the following form to apply for the OCTRI Patient and Clinical Interactions Management Award. Contact Erica Shaw at with any questions.

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