The Complete status is associated with a project that has been manually Marked as Completed.

  • Projects in Production
    • A human subjects research project is Marked as Completed when the IRB is terminated/closed. (red star) 
    • A non-human subjects research non-research or non-human subjects research project is Marked as Completed when the project team has completed collecting, exporting and analyzing data or there has been no activity logged in the project, per the the project's Logging file, for a year or more. By no "logged activity", we mean, no creating or updating records, no exporting data or metadata, no creating reports, running data quality rules, etc.
  • Projects in Development
    • A research or non-research project that has not been moved to production and for which there has been no logged activity in the project, per the the project's Logging file, is Marked as Completed. By "no logged activity, we mean form building or other project setup activities, such as enabling surveys, testing, user managements, etc.

(red star) Once data capture is complete and before IRB is terminated, it is expected that project builder/owners will moved their project to Analysis/Cleanup status. This protects the project data without deleting it. Study staff should move a project to the Analysis/Cleanup status when no longer capturing data, and select Marked as Completed when the study is complete, removing the project from the My Projects list of all Users associated with the project. 

What Happens When a Project is Marked as Completed

Marking a Project as complete, takes a project offline and disables most of the functionality.

  • The project and its data will remain in the system but the project cannot be accessed.
    • No users, including a REDCap administrator, can log into the project.
    • Data cannot be exported.
    • File attachments and files uploaded cannot be exported.
    • Neither the data dictionary nor the project xml can be exported.
  • Only a REDCap administrator may return the project back to its previous status.

How a Project is Marked as Completed

A REDCap project can be Marked as Completed in one of 2 ways:

  • A user with Project Design and Setup Rights marks the project as completed via Project Setup tab > Other Functionality tab > Project Status Management > Mark Project as Completed button.
  • As part of the REDCap Team's routine monitoring of REDCap:
    • A REDCap Admin marks a human subjects research project as completed upon notification the IRB has been terminated/closed.
    • A REDCap Admin marks a project as completed because it was never moved to production and there has been a substantial period of inactivity.
    • A REDCap Admin marks a non-research project or non-human subjects research project when the project team has completed collecting, exporting and analyzing data or there has been no activity logged in the project for a year or more.

Restoring a Project

A REDCap Admin can undo a completion and restore a project as follows:

  • Development Projects

    • These are projects that were never moved to production for real data collection.
    • Request restoring the project by emailing the REDCap Team at and include pertinent details, such as the name of the project, study, IRB number and describe the use case for bringing the project back online.
  • Production Projects

    • These are projects that were moved to production for real data collection.
    • We can restore a projects if you have IRB approval or you are seeking an IRB continuance for the study.
    • Request restoring by emailing the REDCap Team at and pertinent details, such as the name of the project, study, and IRB number.

If you have plans for including data from a completed project in a repository, or using this project as a template for a repository, please let the REDCap Team know so we can coordinate with you on the next steps.

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